Sunday, October 20, 2019
Simple Conjugations for Tomber (to Fall) in French
Simple Conjugations for Tomber (to Fall) in French One of the most used verbs in the French language, tomber means to fall. This could be used for a physical fall or for something like falling in love (tomber amoureux). When you want to say fell or falling, a conjugation is required and that is the subject of this French lesson. The Basic Conjugations of Tomber Tomber is a regular -er verb, which does make it easier because it follows the conjugation rules for the majority of French verbs. Words like rà ªver (to dream) and monter (to go up) use the same endings and with each of these you study, the new ones become a little easier. The indicative mood is the most common. It includes the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses youll need for most conversations. Using the chart, you can study tombers conjugations by finding the subject pronoun and the corresponding tense needed for your sentence. As an example, je tombe means I am falling and nous tombions means we fell. Present Future Imperfect je tombe tomberai tombais tu tombes tomberas tombais il tombe tombera tombait nous tombons tomberons tombions vous tombez tomberez tombiez ils tombent tomberont tombaient You might find it easier to memorize these conjugations if you practice them in context. Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities to do so with a verb like tomber. An interesting expression you may like is tomber dans les pommes and its not used for to fall into apples like you may expect. The Present Participle of Tomber As a regular verb, the present participle conjugation of tomber is really easy. Simply add -ant to the verb stem and you have tombant. Tomber in the Compound Past Tense Passà © composà © is the French compound past tense. Its main component is the past participle tombà ©, though youll also need an auxiliary verb. In this case, its à ªtre. To form it, conjugate à ªtre into the present tense appropriate to the subject, then add the past participle. This produces phrases like je suis tombà ©Ã‚ for I fell and nous sommes tombà ©Ã‚ for we fell. More Simple Conjugations of Tomber Its a good idea to add a few more basic conjugations of tomber to your vocabulary. Each has their own use and will only increase your French fluency. The subjunctive, for example, implies uncertainty to the act of falling. The conditional is used when the act is dependent on conditions. Both the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are found in formal French writing. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je tombe tomberais tombai tombasse tu tombes tomberais tombas tombasses il tombe tomberait tomba tombt nous tombions tomberions tombmes tombassions vous tombiez tomberiez tombtes tombassiez ils tombent tomberaient tombrent tombassent All formality is lost when using the French imperative. Here, you can skip the subject pronoun and simply use the verb so you can be as assertive and to the point as possible. Imperative (tu) tombe (nous) tombons (vous) tombez
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